Great beach bag; lovely design, good quality & perfect size.
The colors are beautiful. My daughter's always loved the night sky so seeing it as the Hawaiian's did is special. Especially, when she can carry it next to her.
The ginger print is one of my favorite of Happy Wahine. I love this XL Tote -- it is perfect for the beach because it is HUGE and has MANY pockets. This is perfect for those who have kids and need to pack multiple things at one time. It is a very sturdy bag and the material is perfect for going to the beach. It is easy to clean if sand gets in. Definitely a necessity!
This bag is beautiful. It has so much space to put everything you need for the beach. After ordering the shipping came so quickly.
I purchased this and was so pleased with the size and print. I was surprised that the inside had two compartments with zippers and two compartments on each end! Really pretty and can hold all kinds of stuff.